Sunday, April 18, 2010

April is here now.....



先週の前までは時間があったので、朝は野菜をいっぱいいれたジュースやスープを作りました。(赤ピーマンとピーマンをいれたせいか、マットは飲んだとたん、うえ~って顔をしてました。笑 スープはもちろんブロッコリーをいっぱいいれたので、一口も飲まなかったよ。)

My mom used to make us fresh carrot juice every morning when I was in Japan. So I decided to make one for me, too! I just put bunch of veggies and fruits. They tasted so yummy but Matt hated it! (I think because I put some peppers in it....) And I made a soup with so many veggies. The color looks so beautiful and it was good :)



Nicole gave me a ticket to a musical, Hairspray in Costa Mesa. I LOVED LOVED LOVED IT!
I just wanted to start dancing with them when they told audience to dance!
We had a Tonkatsu-don and Lokomoko in Costa Mesa. It was soooooo bad.


After having a dinner with Nicole and Marty, we went to beach in Newport. I love the ocean at night. They are so powerful, and they look so so big, it makes me realize how big our earth is, how small I am, how powerful God is. It always makes me feel fresh and clean after going to beach at night. I have been telling Matt to move to Manhattan beach (Matt is just not liking the commute to Burbank....) but it will be so nice :)


I met up with my friend Jenn this weekend in Pasadena. We met at Jones coffee in Pasadena, they had really really good coffee. The Latte was so~ good:) I also loved the inside. All the decorations were all so weird and didn't match with anything, but it somehow made all together. I loved it. (this is a picture I found on line, I didn't take any pictures there :( and we talked and talked and talked..... I loved it!)

その後は、パサディナにある、Norton Simon Museum(美術館)にいってきました。Jennは3ヶ月間イタリアで、美術史を勉強していたので、彼女と一緒にいるとすごく勉強になる。
We went to Norton Simon Museum after coffee. It's always inspiring to see other artist's work. It totally gave me a inspiration to keep working on my personal art.


フルーツ&ミント。 One of my old professor from art history class told me, when you go to a museum, all you have to do is just to look at one or two pieces for a while. Then, go get some coffee at cafe, think about the art, or you can write about it, then you go back again to look at it. And that's all you need.

I totally loved the idea. I usually get really overwhelmed by all the art. It makes me really tired somehow. So Jenn and I decided to get some rest at the cafe inside the garden. The weather was so beautiful and perfect. It was so relaxing. By the end of day, I was so inspired! My work started getting pretty busy last week, and I have to work overtime and on Saturday next few weeks now. And I tend to get a lot of stress and pressure from work, so I have to some how find a way to take all my stress out. I read one of a book to keep your creativity in life, and especially because I am an artist, I need to keep my creativity up and keep getting inspiration. And going to plays, seeing natures, seeing different art really helps me to keep my motivation up and keep my stress away.


今私がはまっているもの。Here are some things I am loving right now....

シンガーのBrooke Fraser. 声がすごくいい。

I love love love her voice. I have been listening her songs at work everyday.

And I found this blog called
She is so cute, and I love the photos she puts on. It totally inspired me to wear cute cloths.

I saw this commercial of Zooey on TV the other day. I love it! She is so cute!

Anyway, that's about it these days. Have a good week everyone!

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