ブログも書こう書こうと思っていても、いつの間にかたまっていく、、、、。仕事は一時ひと段落したため、今は土曜日は出勤しなくていいのだけれど、先週くらいまで、いそがしかったため、マットがいろいろヘルプしてくれました。マット作ピザ。I was super busy the last few weeks with work, so Matt was helping me out by making dinner and stuff. Thank you Matt! His home-made pizza with tomatoes and baby spinach! He cooked the crust perfectly Yumm!
日曜日だけが、休みだったため、休みの日はおもいっきり楽しみたいと思い、マットとマンハッタンビーチへ。私はここに住みたいんだけど、マットは一度も行ったことがないので、案内しました。マリーンレイヤーで雲がすごいけど、、、。We went to Manhattan beach the other day. My friend took me once, and I loved it, so I really want to live there. (the commuting to Burbank would be horrible though) Matt had never been there before, so I wanted to show him around and tried to convince him to move there....
まずは朝ごはん!私は野菜いっぱいのオムレツとビックなパンケーキ。アボカドが半分まるごとのっているのがうれしい!We had a brunch at Uncle Bill's Pancake House in Manhattan beach. They serve breakfast until 3pm, which I love. I really love breakfast food, especially pancakes and coffee. The food there is okay (the omelet I had was pretty good though) but the location is wonderful. You can sit outside where you can see the ocean. It's so nice.
そのあとは、2時間ほどビーチ沿いを歩きました。ビーチ沿いにはちょ~高級な住宅がならんでいて、みているだけで、わくわくしてしまう、、、。(笑)この家はハワイアン風で、I fell in love.
We walked along the beach for 2 hours, from Manhattan beach to Hermosa and back. There are so many different houses, and it's so interesting. I especially loved this one. it's a mix of Hawaiian style with modern style. I love it! There are also some ugly houses. Here is the one Matt thought it was so ugly and big for a beach home, but kind of neat. この家なんて、とてつもなくおおきいんだけど、なんでビーチ沿いにこんな家をたてるのかしら、、、ってかんじでした。
2時間ほど歩いたあとは、スタバで休憩。Break at Starbucks after the long walk.
We sat at the beach for awhile. It helped me to take all my stress out. I don't know why I love the ocean so much. Maybe because I grew up with it. My parents used to live only 10 minutes from the ocean when we were little, and we went everyday in the summer.
Goodbye Manhattan beach...マットは結局会社からとおいから、ここには住みたくないといってたけど、、、。I was not able to convince Matt to move there. We then went to get some Korean food at Yellow Cow BBQ afterward in Gardena. We both liked the food. There is a large asian community and a lot of asian places around it, and it's close to beach. It's a perfect place for me to live. Maybe someday....その後はマットと韓国料理を食べにいきました。So good.
そのほかの週末はマットと本屋さんにいきました。アメリカの本屋さんは、カフェがなかにあって、コーヒーを飲みながら、本を読めるようになってます。(立ち読みよりいいよね)仕事がひと段落したら、マットとヨーロッパに旅行にいきたいと計画中。スコットランドのガイドをゲットしました。We are planning to travel to Scotland and Italy once I am done with my work. I always wanted to go to Scotland to see William Wallace's statue and we always wanted to see the art in Italy. We went to a bookstore to look for a good travel book the next weekend. We got the one we liked. I hope it will happen soon :) It's always fun to plan something. My heart starts beating when I travel!
その週の土曜日は仕事、、、、。朝からスムージーとコーヒーをかって朝から出勤です。That weekend I had to work on Saturday. I got Jamba Juice and Starbucks in the morning and tried to fix all the notes I had. I hope I am doing a good job. I still don't have confidence in my work yet, so I am always worried over if I am doing a good job or not. I am definitely learning everyday, and I can see the improvement but I hope it's enough for them.
Anyway, 夜食べにいったベトナム料理。フォー。We had Pho food that night. Yumm
マットのおじいちゃんがつくってくれた、ダイニングテーブル。いすはまだかっていないんだけど、大切に使わせてもらいます!日曜日の朝。フレンチトースト。Grandpa John made a beautiful dining table. I love it! We made french toast on Sunday. It was really nice. We just need to get some chairs to match with it.
マットのお母さんがかってくれた、あたらしいフードプロセッサー。にんじんとバナナ、オレンジジュースで、スムージーを作ったよ。Matt's mom got a food processor for me, so I made a carrot, banana, orange juice smoothy. It was yummy!
先週は、大学で、フィルムフェスティバルの10周年記念がおこなわれたので、マットと一緒に行ってきました。午前中は、久しぶりにニューポートへ。(大学のころ近かったビーチ。私のお気に入りのビーチです) Last weekend, there was a film festival at CSUF. Since we were going to Orange County, we went to Newport beach at first. I love Newport. I wish we live closer.
ビーチのちかくにあるカフェ。日本人の人がオーナーで、デザートが本格的!アメリカのデザートって、ビックで甘いだけなんだけど、ここのデザートは日本みたいに繊細でいろんな味がある!We had these delicious desserts. The cafe is owned by a Japanese baker who studied in France, so their pastries are so good. A lot of American desserts tend to be just big and sweet. But their dessert actually has so many flavors. And they have good coffee. (Chocolate Souffle, Cheesecake, Coconut Cream)
その後は、ちかくのビーチショップで、買い物。そして、学校へ。今思うと、学生生活本当に楽しかったな~。学校て、また違うエナジーであふれている! We went shopping afterward at a surf shop in the Sprinkles shopping center to find some T-shirts for Matt. He is the pickiest person to find T-shirts. It's really hard to find a perfect one, he got a plain dark gray one. We tried to see if Nicole was around, but couldn't get a hold of her and didn't see her in Sprinkles. Then, we went to school. I miss school so much!
終わったのは夜の11時すぎ。その後は、どうしても海をみたくて、マットとファーストフードをピックアップ(夕食をたべてなかった)して、海へ。すご~く寒かったけど、気持ちよかった。Seeing old friends and teachers were so nice. It remided me how much I enjoyed school and I missed school. Someday, I want to get a masters in art. I cannot wait to go back to school.
After saying goodbye around 11pm, Matt and I hadn't eatten dinner, so we picked up some Jack-in-the-box, and we ate at the beach on a lifeguard tower. It was freezing cold and windy. But it was awesome.
Cheap Fast food + Ocean at night = priceless
今週は、仕事はそこまでいそがしくなかったので、学生時代のころのお友達がディズニーに遊びにきました。ランチを一緒に。This week, my work was pretty light, so my old classmate, Amy came over to Disney to have some lunch. I haven't seen her for so long, so it was nice to talk with her. She's always on-the-go and doing something fun, she inspired me so much. She made a band with her friends, and she invited me to be in her band. (I am not sure about that...) but I definitely want to sing in a cafe, so I made a promise to go visit an open mic cafe sometime with her, and we will sing! yay!
あ、それとタイトルのBaby Talkとは、、、。私の次の映画が始まるまで、なんと1年以上のブランクがあるのです。それまで、Downtimeといって、ショートフィルムをつくったり、まあ、なにもしなくて、いい時期です。なので、その間に子供をつくるか、つくらないか!という話でもちきり。
Today, we are going to IKEA to find some chairs, go see different rental homes in Burbank (we are tired of commuting) and go to a party (Disney animator party). We are not really good at mingling, so let's see how it goes. Have a wonderful weekend everyone!